Welcome to Silver Tigers!

Silver Tigers is a blog dedicated to awareness and preparation in the growing community of active over 60s.

Hello! and “Thank You” for joining us at the “Silver Tigers Training and Preparedness Blog”. Please bookmark the site and subscribe to receive updates. There’s also a Newsletter where we will send ideas, information, classes and so on. You can sign up for that, here.

So, what, or rather, ‘Who’, IS a “Silver Tiger”? It’s you, it’s us, it’s our contemporary friends and family members. We’ve learned a few things in our time and we know how to put them to good use. However, while age brings experience, it also brings vulnerabilities, not least in terms of declining physical ability and unfamiliarity with new technologies. There’s also a more aggressive criminal community out there, perfectly willing to take anything from a computer to our entire life-savings.

As it says, Silver Tigers may be Older, but we are also Bolder, and more willing than ever to take responsibility for ourselves and our loved ones in order to make sure we are safe and secure. Nobody is getting one over on us, not today!

Here at Silver Tigers, we cater to this more experienced league of individuals. People who are well-versed at life in general. There may be things you’re hearing about, such as general preparedness, firearms, a defensive mindset. You’ll learn more about these and other related things here at the Blog. Perhaps you know someone who fell for a con such as the horrible gift-card scam. Perhaps you have experiences you’d like to bring to people. Or, perhaps you just want to be connected to people who share your values. These blog posts give you a chance to increase your knowledge in things that may help you, you family and friends, or even save a life.

As you read through our blogs, you’ll see our goal is to introduce you to topics you may not have considered before or have had minimal contact with. Through our wide variety of contributors, you will experience thought provoking topics, learn new skills and hone talents you might not realize you already have.

You’ll learn about subject matter that will help you navigate this changing world more comfortably and confidently. The posts will highlight things you can personally do to keep yourself safe, warm, dry, fed and aware.

Join us on this journey and keep checking the new topics in each weekly installment. The posts will be waiting for you with your Saturday morning coffee.

Share your experiences, good or bad. Never think you have nothing important to say. Everyone has a fresh perspective and viewpoint about what has helped them and their families. All of us has a list of things we wish we’d been told and hadn’t had to discover the hard way. Share them here. We welcome you to write about experiences you’d like to share. Email them to “author-at-silvertigers-dot-blog”. We shall publish them here on the blog. Slots are open specifically for your contributions.

So, let’s hear from you, and we will contribute $20 to a charity of your choice in your name when we post your contribution for everyone to read.

Hope you had a good day! Join is for many more!